In the Landscaping program, trainees will learn various aspects of landscaping such as surveying, interlocking brick and basic blueprint reading. Landscapers construct and maintain gardens, parks, golf courses and other landscape environment. In addition, they advise clients on issues related to horticulture and landscape construction. They can be self-employed or employed by landscape designers, architects and contractors, lawn service, tree care establishments, recreation facilities, nurseries, and greenhouses just to name a few.
Landscaping skills are utilized throughout the construction industry. Some landscapers specialize in areas such as landscape design, construction and maintenance of greenhouses, sodding and nursery production. Landscapers require good communication skills to coordinate and facilitate work with clients, coworkers and other trades. They also require strong analytical and organizational skills.
Employment in this trade is quite often seasonal with long hours in the summer months. Much of this work is done outdoors, while indoor work may involve greenhouse production, interior landscaping and sales of plants, landscape materials and supplies. The work may be strenuous and may involve activities such as lifting, climbing and bending.